Frog isn’t like other games. Actually, I’m
not even sure it should be classified as a game. There are no opposing sides or teams. There are no points to be scored. There are no real challenges to overcome,
unless the person you’re trying to leap over is much larger than you. There’s nothing to win and no point at which
you can say the game is over. Well, that
is, until everyone decides to quit playing.
course, you can always get creative with it and pair up into teams of two or
more and race to a designated finish line by leap-frogging or see who can leap
a certain number of bodies the fastest, but face it, leap frog is played strictly
for whatever measure of fun a kid gets out of acting like a frog while hopping
over a squatting friend.
are some physical benefits to playing the game despite its lack of competitive
challenges. You must have a certain level
of flexibility, strength and coordination to be the leaper or the leaped and,
of course, the repetitive squats are quite good for muscle development. Still, this game was never the first choice
amongst my options.
here I am, faced with a new game of leap frog to play. While it may not be my first choice, I am
willing to play and for some good reasons too.
Now, you may be thinking, ‘Wait, aren’t you laid up at home with
herniated discs? How in the world are you
going to be playing leap frog? And why
would you want to play anyway?’ All
legitimate questions and I plan to answer them.
I have two herniated discs in my lower back.
Yes, I am off the trail at this time, but under my doctor’s wonderful
care, I have managed to avoid the need for surgery and am healing up
nicely. Basically, we have been using
corticosteroids and NSAIDs to reduce the swelling and gentle stretching
exercises that are slowly strengthening the back muscles as well as expanding
the vertebral disc spaces. This helps to
relieve the pressure on the discs. The
disc “jelly” is being re-absorbed and the discs themselves are being allowed
time to heal. Within the next couple of
weeks, I should be able to return to the trail with a few minor adjustments.
with any strengthening exercises, you start slow with low weights or resistance
and gradually increase the weight or difficulty as you become stronger. My ability to return to the trail will be
using this same philosophy and that’s why I must play a game of leap frog.
let me define the rules of this Appalachian Trail thru-hiking game. According to the Appalachian Trail
Conservancy (ATC), who issues the certificates of completion for thru-hikers, “A
thru-hiker is a hiker or backpacker who has completed or is attempting to walk
the entire A.T. in one uninterrupted journey.”
it is NOT required for you to carry a backpack to be a thru-hiker. You are NOT required to sleep in a tent,
shelter or hammock or even spend a single night out on the trail. The definition of an “uninterrupted” journey
is generally understood within the hiking community as within one 12 month
period of time which allows hikers to take time off trail for family events
such as attending weddings or graduations or for medical reasons and
recuperation time.
even refer to ourselves as “classes”, like a graduating class of students, so I
am a member of the Class of 2013. Just
like high school or college, not everyone completes the requirements for
graduation and the drop-out rate is high in this school, a whopping 70% or
The bottom line is that
there are no hard and fast rules to being a thru-hiker and even reporting your
completion of the trail is done on the honor system. No one is out there checking up on you to
make sure you actually hiked what you claim, but obviously, anyone who would
dishonestly claim to have completed the trail and didn’t actually complete the
miles would be very much frowned on by other hikers and “outed” for a fraud
pretty readily.

example, if you happen to be a slow NOBO hiker or maybe got a late start out of
Georgia and you have not reached Harpers Ferry, WV by the middle of July, then
it is recommended that you “flip” up to Maine and start hiking south to
complete the trail. This is because
Baxter State Park, home of Mt. Katahdin, closes by October 15th, sometimes
earlier due to the weather, and chances are you won’t make it there in
time. By flipping up to Maine and
completing south-bound, you will still be able to complete the entire trail and
maintain your thru-hiker status.
actually encourages hikers to use alternative hiking plans to help alleviate the
crowds of hikers that hit the trail around the same time every year. Scattering hikers over the length of the
trail helps to reduce the strain on resources and minimizes damage to the
trail. Some hikers prefer alternative
plans because they, too, would like to avoid the crowds and want to experience
a more solitary experience with nature or for some of the other benefits that
an alternative plan can provide which I’ll explain in a bit.
So, in
a few weeks I will be returning to the trail at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia to
continue north-bound to Maine, hence I will be leaping ahead of my fellow
hikers with whom I started in Georgia. Then,
I will return to Harpers Ferry and continue south-bound back to where I exited
the trail in Georgia when I came home for medical attention. This
particular leap frog alternative plan is called “Head Start – May” since you
get a head start on the crowds of hikers coming north and typically begin the
first ½ of May.
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia? Because
Harpers Ferry is known as the psychological halfway point on the trail (the
actual halfway point for mileage is in southern Pennsylvania), the home of the
ATC offices, and it just happens to be located in one of the easiest sections
of the trail.
Check out these two
elevation profiles.

top profile shows the trail from about mile 62 through 82 as measured from
Springer Mt. and is around the Georgia/North Carolina border. The bottom profile shows the trail elevations
in Maryland from about mile 1,031 through 1,051 again, as measured from
Springer Mt. As you can see, not only
are the elevations of the mountains higher in GA/NC, but the changes in
elevation (the ups and downs) are much more dramatic. The stretch in MD is nearly level and the
changes are more gradual.
The easiest section of the
trail lies between the northern edge of the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia
into Pennsylvania, a distance of several hundred miles, and from there it gets
progressively more difficult the further north or south you go with the most
difficult sections being at the most northern or southern ends of the trail.
this is significant for me as starting at Harpers Ferry will allow my body
more time to strengthen gradually, so as the terrain becomes more
difficult, I will also become stronger and better suited to the conditions. Also,
since I will be at the lower elevations, the threat of winter weather will be
gone and I can reduce my pack weight by not carrying my winter gear, (although,
that may be an issue open for debate with the spring we’ve been experiencing
this year). So, physically and
medically, starting at Harpers Ferry makes sense, but there are some other
benefits as well.

huge bonus…for the first time in many years I will be able to spend Mother’s
Day with my mom. Harpers Ferry is just a
little over 60 miles from my hometown of Shippensburg, PA and my hiking
schedule should get me there right around Mother’s Day weekend. I’m really looking forward to spending that
time with her and I’m pretty sure she’ll be happy with that too.
for the New England region, I will arrive in New Hampshire’s White Mountains
before the crowds arrive in July and enter Vermont after their “mud season”. The black flies of Maine will be gone and
there will be no worries about reaching Mt. Katahdin before it closes for the
Once Mt. Katahdin has been
summited, then I’ll grab a bus into Boston and take the train back to Harpers
Ferry. Riding the train is another one
of the unforeseen benefits to my change in plans and another item that I can
scratch off my bucket list.

The train from Boston won’t be the first one I take though. I’m going to catch Amtrak’s Southwest Chief in Hutchinson, Kansas when I head back out to the trail which will take me to Chicago. There I will change trains to the Capitol Limited in which I will have a sleeper car to catch some rest before arriving at the Harpers Ferry station which is practically on the trail. Now how convenient is that? And what an added bonus to this adventure!
(Above: The Amtrak station at Harpers Ferry, WV. Below: A typical sleeper car on an Amtrak train. The two seats slide together and fold down into a bed.)
am very excited about getting to travel by train. I’m going to see some new sights and
territory that I haven’t covered before.
I’ll get to peek into Michigan as the train travels the southern border
of the state and get a better look at the city of Chicago than I’ve ever had
before. I’ll get to visit Maxwell Klinger’s
home of Toledo and maybe be close enough to view the southern shores of Lake
Erie on our way to Cleveland. Maybe I’ll
catch a glimpse of the campus of Notre Dame while passing through South Bend,
Indiana and I’ll think of my daughter and wave as I pass through
Pittsburgh. I love watching the changing
landscapes, the architecture, the wildlife and all the wonderful variety that
we have across this great country.
second half of this journey will also involve some changes. I will be following the fall season back into
the south and can only image the great views of patchwork colors across the
quilt of forests that await my arrival.
Again, I will have pleasant temperatures as fall’s warm colors carry
their contrasting currents of crisp air into the mountains. I may get to hear the elk bugling with the
fall rut in the Smokey Mountains. I may
get to see an early snow frost the high peaks of Tennessee, but most likely, it
won’t last long and I’ll be finished before any severe freezing weather
changing of the seasons will bring me full circle to the conditions that I
experienced at the beginning of my hike.
The leaves will fall and once again I’ll find myself looking through the
bare trees of Georgia as I descend into Unicoi Gap near Hiawassee, or maybe if
I’m ahead of schedule, I’ll hike all the way back to Springer Mt. and finish
where I began. Just like in the game of
leap frog, eventually you return to the position in which you started.
might say that I’ve found a silver lining to my dark cloud and as a friend
recently reminded me, I may have just increased my chances of success as well. The ATC statistics for 2012 thru-hiker
completions reflect that 21.2% and 21.5% of NOBOs and SOBOs respectively
completed the entire trail, but 64.9% of leap-froggers completed. So, while leap-frogging may not have been my
first choice for this hike or how I envisioned completing the trail, this is a
very good and viable option that will safely allow me to complete and has
brought with it some surprising and welcomed benefits.
also learned that leap frog isn’t just for kids. While the Guinness world record for the largest
game of leap frog involved 1,348 children in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2010,
the world records for most leapfrog jumps in 30 seconds and 1 minute by a team
of two people are held by adults from China, Japan and the U.S.A with the most
recent records being set in 2011. So, I
guess whether you’re a hill hopping hiker or you just get your kicks leaping
over a squatting lily-padded partner, the game of leap frog will remain an
enduring option to bring smiles to the faces of those who just love to play.
Happy Hopping Everyone!!
So glad to hear you'll be able to hike again soon. Sounds like a great plan!