you ever noticed how two people can share the same experience yet have totally
different reactions to the event? If you
read my last post, you know that I was off cruising the Caribbean very recently
while celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary. My husband and I had the added pleasure of
Hurricane Sandy’s company on our voyage.
Yes, I said pleasure and let me explain why.
first five days of our cruise were blessed with the sun shining brightly and
the tropical blue waters gently rolling and providing their usual soothing effect
on all the passengers.
was the ideal Caribbean experience, but on the return leg of our trip with one
remaining stop scheduled for the Bahamas, the situation began to change. Suddenly, there was word of a hurricane in
our path and she was headed for our exact destination; we would have to cancel
our stop in the Bahamas and the captain wisely decided to detour around the
storm to the west. The plan was to allow
the hurricane to continue on its northerly trail putting distance between the
ship and the storm, then to turn north and follow the trailing winds into port
arriving close to our scheduled time.
This would allow everyone to connect to their scheduled flights or
continue their other travel plans without further interruption. Later that day,
we learned the hurricane’s name was Sandy.
Sandy. Of all names that it could be, this one
immediately made us laugh. Not because Sandy comes from Sandra which comes from
Alexandra which is the feminine of Alexander; you know, the Great; the man who
swiftly blew across the Middle East and into Asia conquering everything in his
path. No, we laughed because our youngest
daughter is named Sandy, primarily after my mother. Both of these women are known for their
dynamic and often stormy personalities.
this brought back memories of when I was pregnant with Sandy and the first
couple months of her infancy. See, when
I was with swollen belly and would lie next to my husband at night, Sandy would
kick intensely forcing me to move away from him. After she was born, even while being in her
own crib in another room, if her father and I would snuggle up or even think
about having an intimate moment, she would cry on cue the moment we touched
each other. How she knew, we didn’t know,
but here we are on a romantic getaway and once again, Sandy is interrupting our
intimacy. All we could do was laugh and
enjoy the memory and the moment.
So on
we sail as the waves begin to increase in size.
No longer are they a gentle rolling turquoise or cobalt blue; now the
water has taken on a midnight blue with white caps curling on the peaks and
white sprays reaching even higher in the air misting the deck and porthole
ship’s bow has begun to rise up while climbing waves, pitching, peaking and
sliding down the other side of these watery hills. The waves slap the bottom and sides of the
vessel with a deep boom that reverberates through the hull like an out of tune Chinese
gong. Night is beginning to fall and the
wind is whirling and whipping the waves into higher and higher mountains with
valleys far below. Now what does any of this have to do with hiking or my
original question? Bear with me, I’m
getting to that.
field of interest or hobby you undertake requires learning a set of new
vocabulary with it. In the hiking world,
PUDs, or pointless ups and downs are one of the new terms to which I’ve been
introduced. Apparently, during routine
maintenance, trails are often re-routed for various reasons. Often these new routes will extend the
previous trail length and climb up every conceivable peak. This is why the Appalachian Trail length has
grown from 2,044 miles in 1948 to its current 2,184 miles.
many of these added peaks do not result in the majestic views that most look
forward to as a reward for climbing and conquering the mountain, thereby,
leaving the hiker disappointed in their efforts. Hence, these climbs have been dubbed
pointless and some hikers will avoid them altogether by hiking the previous trail
route which is marked by a blue blaze instead of the white blaze for the
official trail. (Blazes are a 2” x 6”
vertical bar painted on trees or rocks to mark the trail.)
who are adamant about following only the white blazes are known as Purists and
they tend to look down on the Blue-Blazers who shorten the journey by taking
the side trails which are often more scenic and less strenuous. Purists will only take these blue-blazed side
trails to reach the shelters at night or as a weather-advised detour due to
obstructions or hazards that prevent them from continuing on the white-blazed
trail, much like our captain’s decision to look for bluer waters to avoid the
whitecap peaks of the storm.
just like our vessel took an alternative route hoping for a smoother ride, this
does not always prove to give the intended result. There are occasions when the blue-blazed
trail can be just as strenuous, or even more so, than the white-blazed
trail. Not that I can say our original
route was even an option for our cruise ship, not without risking the lives of
all the passengers and crew, but we still had a much rougher ride than our dear
captain intended for us.
So, how
did we fare the night you ask? Well,
this brings me back to my original question concerning shared experiences and
differing reactions. No, it wasn’t my
husband and I who had the differences; we both took the storm in stride;
albeit, I had a little more enthusiasm than he did throughout the night as he
was trying to get some sleep and I was too busy enjoying the show outside the
porthole window. (I mean, gee whiz, when
am I going to get another opportunity to ride up and down 30-50 foot waves?) No, it was the next morning, and even into
this week while reading the various reports about what happened that night,
that I truly realized how different perspectives can be in a single event.
have been multiple criticisms of our captain who I believe did a wonderful job
keeping everyone safe and trying to maintain the travel schedules of his
passengers. We arrived just 2 hours
behind our scheduled docking time and although most of us ended up having to
reschedule flights, it appeared to be more due to the delays once in port than
our delayed arrival. And, please
remember, we arrived safely! There were
alternatives to that result.
passengers and even many crew members that I spoke with the next morning stated
that they spent the night scared out of their minds. While I don’t mean to belittle anyone’s
fears; it is the Halloween season, after all; personally, I enjoyed the added
excitement and opportunity for a unique adventure. It certainly was a very memorable
I have to be fair in my assessment and add that my husband and I were in the
most ideal location onboard for the conditions.
Our stateroom was on deck 2, mid-ship, so we were very near the center fulcrum,
whereas, if you were more forward or backward and at a higher deck level, your
swings in elevation were probably much more dramatic than ours. And I certainly have a lot of sympathy for
those individuals who suffer with motion or sea-sickness. I can understand why, for them, this was not
a pleasant experience.
the point that I want to drive home with this discussion is this; the ship
climbed multiple white-capped waves with little view at the top throughout the
night and slid back down into the dark, watery valleys below seemingly getting
nowhere; yet each up and down took us forward toward our destination. Maybe you consider the climbs up mountains
with no views as pointless and you’d prefer the more tranquil path of blue; so
be it. Each step, on a white-blaze or on
a blue-blazed trail, takes you one step closer to your destination. So, it’s back to the trail mantra; whether
you are the purist whitecap or bouncing blue wave, hike your own hike.

for this ship, well, I enjoy those whitecaps and the ride they provide, but I
won’t rule out an occasional scenic blue sailing past a peak for a restful
repose. The trail is supposed to offer
freedom from the rigid rules of the world and while I don’t believe in being
reckless and aim to reach my goal safely, I am also planning on throwing open
my sails and let’s just see where the winds blows me, eh?