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Beauty and the Beast, 1987-1990 |
Was there some large, hairy, terrifying beast loose in Europe somewhere in the past? The legendary children’s story of Beauty and The Beast comes out of France and the stories of the werewolf originated in ancient Germany. Could this be what the Englishmen were afraid was outside their door? Or maybe it was something else.
Here on the North American continent, we also have legendary, hairy beasts that terrorize the imagination like the Chupacabra and Bigfoot. While the official existence of these creatures continues to be debated, there are plenty of individuals who either claim to have seen these creatures or who believe that they exist.
There are also the animals of the fields and forest such as the bear, wolf, wild hog and mountain lion, all hairy beasts in their own rite that can strike fear in the heart of men when they are confronted outside the safety of our homes. But I have come to believe that there may be another creature that can be added to the list of scary, hairies and that my friends, is the long distance hiker.
It is trail tradition for the male hiker to grow a beard during the length of his hike which at the end of four to six months on the Appalachian Trail gives this hiker the appearance of the rugged mountain man. At least that is the plan.

Now, before the men revolt on me here, let me say that I’m a traditionalist at heart and believe that the guys should continue the hair growing habit and finish their hike furry-faced regardless of whether they turn out to be a Grizzly Adams or a Harry. Beards are making a comeback in fashion right now and who knows, maybe the look will prove to be a good one for you or at the very least it will be good practice for playing the grandfatherly Santa Claus.
many, this will be the one and only time that they will sport such a look and
we all know that shaving on the trail can be quite a hassle. Who wants to carry a razor and shaving cream
around? That’s extra pack weight and we
can’t have that. And let’s not forget
that a beard can provide decent insulation against cold and wind. So there are some practical purposes hidden
behind the hair.
Oh, but what about the ladies on the trail? You didn’t think I was going to pick on just the men, did you? Although there are men who preen and fuss over their hair and body builders and athletes who shave themselves smooth, generally speaking, when you think of people who spend lots of time on their hair, you think of women. I mean, come on, we have to shave, shape and style everything from the hair on top of our heads, to our eyebrows, armpits and everything from our waist down to our toes. Hair, for women, is a full-bodied issue.
let’s start at the top. The number of
ways in which a woman can style her hair are phenomenal, but basically, as a
hiker, women will end up in one of three categories—the ponytail or braid, the
short cut or the shaven.

The short cut, on the other hand, is another relatively easy hairstyle for maintenance purposes and I kind of like the word association of taking a shortcut on the trail. Could this be the blue blazer’s preferred style? (Blue blazers are hikers who follow the “blue-blazed” side trails vs. the “white-blazed” official Appalachian Trail.)
Finally, we have the shaven category. For a woman to shave her head is considered a very brave act by many women. I have to agree that making the decision to shave your head takes a certain amount of courage. Of course, this G.I. Jane approach makes for very low maintenance on the trail. I don’t know if men experience the same kind of anxiety that a woman feels when confronted with the buzzing blades of a razor, but I do know that I am not willing to go quite that far.

I spent some amount of time going back and forth between the ponytail and the short cut styles for my hike. Unlike my two daughters with their thick hair that they can grow down to their waistline, my hair has a very fine texture and has never been longer than a few inches past my shoulders. For some genetic reason, it just will not grow any longer without disintegrating into a tangled mess of split ends.
All of this hairstyle talk may end up being a very moot point though since most of the time I will be wearing one hat or another on my head. I am literally taking two hats, one to keep my head warm and the wind out of my ears and the other to shade my eyes from the sun and just because I like to wear a hat.
As a matter of fact, I had a special hat made just for this hike. The cold weather beanie does a great job but I’m hoping to not have to wear it very often. No, the hat I prefer to have on is my trucker ball cap. Typically, I don’t wear this type of ball cap, but the mesh on the back side of the cap will help to keep me a little cooler and besides, it reminds me of my grandfather who wore this style of hat for years. Either way, these hats will definitely help cover up the “bad hair days."
for the rest of the body hair, namely the pits and legs, most women hikers “go
European.” I don’t honestly know that
the American assumption that European women don’t shave their pits or legs is
true, but it certainly is what most Americans believe and have been told. This shouldn’t be surprising as again, shaving
in the forest can be a bit of a hassle. I’m sure most women hikers will be
looking for those opportunities to catch a shower at a hostel or hotel when
they can tame the wild, hairy beast they have become and once again, if only
for a short while, feel like a lady.
So, as a non-hiker, if you happen to come across a large, hunch-backed, smelly, hairy creature coming out of the woods in the early evening hours please don’t freak out and report to the police that you’ve spotted a Big Foot. In all likelihood, it’s just a long distance Appalachian Trail hiker coming into town for an evening meal, a shower and a shave, because it really is hairy out there.
Gotta love this one!!